Welcome! I’m so proud of your courage for landing on this page. I can tell you’re curious about stepping into a different kind of space that supports your healing and recovery journey, and I love that about you.
Recovery is the process of letting go of what was, and moving towards something that is different. And, that can feel scary, and awkward, and exciting all at the same time.
Maybe this is the first time you’ve tried to let go of alcohol, or the 100th time.
If you’ve been trying all the things – meditating, journaling, talk therapy, support meetings – but still feel like there’s stuff you’re not letting go of? Emotions you’re not processing? Places where you’re stuck?
Then let me introduce you to anchor pages
ANCHOR pages are something I created to use in my own early sobriety, and six years later I’m still using them to keep me grounded.
ANCHOR pages are effective because they provide you with the space to figure out how you feel, how you want to feel, and how to identify the actions you need to take to get you there. This way you’re able to actually do something in the present moment.
I’ve created ANCHOR PAGES: YOUR GUIDE TO EMOTIONAL STRENGTH IN SOBRIETY so you can jump in and start using them on your journey.
Be sure to grab your copy below!